Recently injured in a car accident?
Our staff understands the complexities of personal injury cases and we take great pride in managing them very thoroughly. Our office has well-established relationships with Orthopedists, Neurologists, and MRI facilities for the best and most complete care of acute trauma injuries. At Physical Therapy of San Francisco, we analyze, and treat the various complexities of whiplash and soft tissue injuries.
We work with all auto accident injuries and attorneys. Liens are accepted. We are the preferred auto accident specialists in all of San Francisco, CA, and have helped many individuals recover from auto accident related injuries. If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you have to make. It's crucial to make these decisions immediately. Do not delay.
We Will Communicate With Your Attorney on a Regular Basis
Your attorney will be informed of your treatment plan, be kept updated with your progress and the cost of your treatment. Our office may recommend the patient to retain legal counsel in cases of personal injury to help assist in their case with the insurance company. We can also provide legal counsel recommendations if needed.
We will provide a well-documented report to substantiate your personal injury case as to help you receive a fair settlement.
We will provide valuable resources for your attorney including well-documented personal injury reports, visual proof of injury and relevant case examples, articles and diagrams.
Whiplash and Auto Accidents
Many people don’t realize how severe an auto accident can be. However, much research shows that the after math of an automobile accident can leave your body in tremendously bad shape that many think is impossible to recover from. As a Physical Therapist that has served San Francisco and surrounding communities for an extended amount of time, I have noticed that many people are misinformed when it comes to whiplash. I hope this article will help better explain whiplash, why it happens, and how our office can help.
I want to address a very common question: what happens to your body that causes a whiplash injury to occur? Whiplash can happen whenever your body suffers from an abrupt jolt. Most whiplash injuries happen when you are sitting in a fixed position in your car and are rear-ended by another car. Because this happens so fast, your body doesn’t have time to react before your car is pushed forward. During those moments of impact, your body gets pushed down into your seat. Your head, which is heavy and secluded by your neck, is delayed in reaction, while your body is continually pushed down. Quickly after, your head changes directions by traveling forward to the limit your seatbelt will allow. Finally, once your head reaches the limit traveling forward, it is forced backwards in reaction. Because your neck is not restricted by your seatbelt, your head is jolted back and forth beyond its standard limits. When this “whipping" action occurs, it causes much damage to the already extremely fragile neck structure.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that it can take multiple days (usually around two or three) before any whiplash symptoms occur. Common whiplash symptoms include headaches, neck pain, and loss of motion. The reason it can take a few days to feel the symptoms is because it can take time for the inflammation from the tiny tears in the injured ligaments and muscles to build up and further aggravate you. When the delicate ligaments that support your neck are wounded, the muscles react by tightening to guard the injured area. This protects the damaged area from further injury.
A few weeks following this injury, the distressed tissue releases chemicals that attach little cells to the wounded area, called Fibroblasts. They build up, creating a scar-like material called fibrin. Fibrin then helps mend and re-build the injury. During these few weeks of repair, it is extremely important to maintain normal ranges of motion, as well as spinal alignment. If this is not done properly, the scar tissue will end up limiting the future mobility of the injured area. This can lead to spinal degeneration.
The good news is that by performing precise, detailed Physical Therapy Rehabilitation along with treating the injury with therapy and different exercises, your body will have a much better chance of rebuilding properly. This means less chronic pain, stiffness, disc degeneration, and pinched nerves.
We can help alleviate your pain and rebuild your spinal structures. These treatment options also severely reduce future injuries from occurring. So if you have whiplash, schedule an examination with Physical Therapy of San Francisco today!
We Will Help You Start Feeling Better The Healthy Way!
- Affordable neck and back pain relief available without the side effects of medicine.
Marc Joseph Rabideau, PT of San Francisco is expert at car accident injuries helping people with chronic back problems, neck aches, spine injuries, etc. so you can live life to the fullest, pain free! - Auto accident injury and whiplash specialist in restoring health.
With our physical therapy procedures, we have helped many accident injury patients, bringing pain relief and helping them feel as good (and many times, better) than they did before their accident. - Emergency 24/7 service. Same day appointment available.
Contact us now. We are here to help you with the healing process so you can start feeling better now. - Insurance plans accepted. If you don't have insurance, our office offers several easy, affordable payment plans available for every budget.
We will help you find a way to get the Physical Therapy Care you need so you can enjoy doing the things you enjoy doing!
Auto Accident Specialists
Should I see an attorney before I see my Physical Therapist? It is important to get examined by the doctor first. The findings from your examination need to be documented immediately after your accident to determine the appropriate health care necessary for optimum recovery. After your Doctor's examination it would then be appropriate to consult an attorney for legal counsel.
Documented studies done by Charles Carroll, M.D., Paul McAtee, M.D. and Lee Riley, M.D. revealed that: "The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants."
In other words, the damage to the passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage to the vehicle. Thus all auto accident injuries need to be immediately evaluated by a qualified specialist like Marc Joseph Rabideau, PT of San Francisco.
We will immediately refer you for a MRI or any imaging studies necessary to evaluate the extent of your injuries. We also work exclusively with other local qualified medical doctor specialists such as orthopedics & neurologists to provide any additional necessary care.
In most cases, your auto accident insurance will pay 100% for the cost of your Physical Therapy Care. Our Office can assist you in obtaining this information. Using your medical coverage should not raise your premiums.
You need a doctor who specializes in providing the necessary care and diagnosis of auto accident injuries. Usually hospitals will check vital signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions and release the patient with pain relief medication. They normally do not provide healthcare for the underlying injuries that can often lead to future pain. Thus after your hospital visit you need to make an immediate appointment with a specialist like Marc Joseph Rabideau, PT of San Francisco.
The care is comfortable and quite soothing. Our patients look forward to the care they receive during their office visits.
Yes. The care is safe and gentle. In fact, we have patients that range from newborn infants, children, to the elderly who receive effective relief.
Insurance Participation
There are many insurance plans and coverage varies widely. Please call us to find out if your plan covers care in our office. Call us at (415) 681-9287